
Stephen Ullstrom

Book Indexing Ebook Sale!

Published 5 months ago • 1 min read


A big thank you to everyone who wrote after my last email, about my grandfathers’ dying this fall. That was a lovely surprise and meant a lot. Thank you all very much.

This last month has had its ups and downs. I have gotten caught up on work, sort of. It helps that a couple of projects that I was expecting have been delayed until January. I was also quite sick a few weeks ago. I am feeling physically better and am trying to wrap up the last of my December projects before Christmas, but am still feeling worn out from all that has happened this fall. I am hoping for an uneventful Christmas, with plenty of time away from my computer.

Ebook Sale

Before I sign off for this year, I want to let you know that my book is on sale! The ebook version of Book Indexing: A Step-by-Step Guide is 50% off at Smashwords. Instead of US$7.99, the ebook is now on sale, until January 1st, for US$3.99.

If you’ve been waiting for a sale to pick up a digital copy, this is your chance. This is the first time I’ve put the book on sale and I’m curious to see how it goes. You can find the book here.

Again, that is 50% off for the ebook, only at Smashwords.

I wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and holiday. I look forward to writing again in the new year.

Yours in indexing,


Stephen Ullstrom

Professional Book Indexer

2x award-winning book indexer and the author of Book Indexing: A Step-by-Step Guide. I teach you how to write excellent indexes, along with reflections on succeeding as a freelance indexer.

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